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Cryptstart [CST]


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A crowdfunding platform for creators and backers cooperation.

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Executive Summary

In this paper, we present an overview of the CRYPTSTART® unified cryptocurrency crowdfunding platform for creators and backers of legitimate innovation without redundant geographic restrictions. Major markets have begun embracing new, pro-innovation policies with the appointment of Dalia Blass as the new director of SEC’s Division of Investment Management in the US and the formation of Ethereum Russia in Russia; institutional investors are moving in swiftly, no longer able to ignore the escalating $200 billion market capitalization1. Now is the time for the passionate community of innovators to fully leverage the market’s insatiable hunger for new projects to drive change and progress.
 CRYPTSTART® offers a comprehensive set of tools and services a creator needs to succeed in funding, such as project templates, and a proprietary token to access them, the CRYPTSTART® CST while retaining intuitive basics of traditional fiat platforms. Cryptocurrency investors will find promising new projects easy to understand and fund. The platform will connect people around the creative process to engage in the greater goal of disruptive, sustainable, and decentralized technologies within a self-regulating ecosystem of integrity. 
(Obtained from ICO whitepaper)


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24th April 2024

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