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Dusk Network [DUSK]


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 A decentralized infrastructure that enables fast, anonymous and secure bi-directional transmission of data among equipotent peers, paid for by a privacy-oriented 

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Executive Summary

The Dusk Foundation is a not-for-profit NGO created to advance the research and development of the unrestricted, unsurveilled and fully distributed blockchain-based cryptosystem called Dusk Network. The objective of the Dusk Foundation is to promote the sustainability of a truly decentralized ecosystem conceived to allow streaming and bidirectional data transmission among its peers while protecting their right to privacy. We believe such a fundamental right to be an existential pre-requisite for confidential business activities, state security, human relationships and, ultimately, personal freedom.The Dusk features a full suite to achieve personal freedom such as transaction untraceability, unlinkability and most notably, protection from sybil attacks and double spending. The network is powered by a novel consensus algorithm called Segregated Byzantine Agreement (or SBA⋆). SBA⋆ departs from any other Byzantine Fault Tolerance engines powering all other blockchains such as proof-of-work, proof-of-stake, pBFT or their delegated versions. SBA⋆ provides direct block finality by preventing forking while allowing theoretical unbounded scalability.
(Obtained from ICO LinkedIn)


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27th April 2024

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