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Ledder [ULED]


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Ledder is a technological company that aims to integrate OOH advertising into the web. Our ambition is to join individual outdoor billboards into a single decentralized network, substitute traditional billboards with digital screens worldwide, and connect our network to major advertising platforms, such as Google ADS, Amazon Advertising, Yandex ADV, and ...Read More

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Executive Summary

Ledder Network is a decentralized open-source advertising network. Each digital screen has a computer for operating a Ledder Network node. The nodes within the network form a distributed system for data storage and processing. Network nodes are the servers of a distributed data center. Network nodes interact with each other directly via P2P, eliminating the need for an external data center.
We aim to build a fully open-source and free advertising platform that will be available for any company or individual. Ledder Network won't have a center and won't be controlled by anyone. The network nodes will be owned by the Ledder community.
Ledder Network will be connected to all major advertising platforms (Google ADS, Facebook Business, Amazon Advertising) and serve as an advertising hub. The network will have a uniform blockchain-based payment system. The payment system won't be affected by national currencies and work worldwide.


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18th April 2024

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