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ENDED: October 15, 2019

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PARSIQ’s ultimate goal is to push forward the mass adoption of blockchain technology by helping cryptocurrency businesses to keep up with regulatory compliance. We believe that there is still a dialogue that needs to be established between cryptocurrency businesses, banks, and regulators. With PARSIQ we are making it easier to integrate ...Read More

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Executive Summary

PARSIQ is a universal blockchain parsing and monitoring tool. The tool provides an analytical view of the blockchain transaction history. It also provides real-time monitoring of accounts, transactions, and related blockchain state.

Advanced parsing and processing of transaction trees using big data analytics techniques and machine learning algorithms provide detailed insights into blockchain asset movements. 

The platform will eventually work for multiple blockchains and implements a modular design aimed at providing many applications for different use cases. At its core, PARSIQ is designed as an open platform accessible and extensible for everyone. 

PARSIQ solves the problem of insufficient monitoring and analytics tools available in the cryptocurrency and blockchain ecosystems. The reorganization of asset and financial infrastructures that have taken place in the shift from centralized structures to trust-free decentralized architectures has caused information about digital assets and transactions to be harder to come by. This is partly because of the pseudo-anonymity of most blockchains, but mostly due to the lack of tool support. 

PARSIQ addresses this lack of tool support by providing a comprehensive and modular blockchain analytics platform. 

The system is implemented as a mix of centralized and distributed components, combining a high-performance transaction backlog processing service with real-time decentralized monitoring of unconfirmed transactions. 

At the lowest level, PARSIQ monitors individual blockchains in real-time, providing transaction replays through instrumented virtual machines that can classify transactions into event types. The resulting events can be used for forensic and analytical purposes or as triggers for user-specific real-time monitoring services.


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Sale Starts

15th September 2019

The ICO/Token/Coin sale opens

Happened: 4 Years, 7 Months, 3 Days ago

Sale Ends

15th October 2019

The ICO/Token/Coin sale closes

Happened: 4 Years, 6 Months, 3 Days ago


18th April 2024

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