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Weriz [WRZ]


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Weriz acts as a marketing assistant for small local businesses & a personal assistant for local users, linking both groups in a blockchain platform where they benefit from a wide variety of options.

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Executive Summary

Weriz is a smart combination of services, it has a business directory, but it is much more than that. It is a platform that with your permission, can learn about you anonymously and finds not only what you know you like or want to find out about, but the things you donʼt even know you want until you learn about them. It is a local solution for people who want to interact with their neighborhood more efficiently.
Weriz is a dual platform that not only serves people who need to find different businesses, but it also helps businesses grow and find returning customers. It empowers them with a set of marketing tools along with data from local competitors for them to enhance their services according to the local needs. Not only that, but it also enables new businesses to emerge based on the local requirements to give and receive the benefit at the same time.

For businesses, it is absolutely commission-free. But for users, itʼs not free, Itʼs rewarding! You get to find what you look for, get notified about the things you will want to know about, and in return, you get paid for all this. This is how Weriz paves the way to a new era of service-based platforms.


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27th April 2024

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